Kodály.hu News

Our Webshop is now open

29 March 2022

We are delighted to inform our visitors that the publications of the Kodály Institute are now available through its brand new webshop. All of these latest publications, including basic Kodály-concept literature, fabulous choral scores, and significant earlier studies are listed there, grouped by genre, together with a detailed description of each. To get these valuable materials, just click the basket button, and enjoy reading or teaching with them.

Performing at the Basketball Academy event

Performing at the Basketball Academy event

21 March 2022

The achievements and professional work of the past three years of the Mercedes-Benz Basketball Academy were praised and celebrated on Saturday night at the ballroom of the Four Points by Sheraton, Kecskemét. The festive reception began with a special programme performed by the students of the Institute.

Kodály Seminar Offline - 18-29 July

Kodály Seminar Offline - 18-29 July

16 March 2022

Dear Colleagues and Musician Friends all around the world,

It is our pleasure to announce that the 31st International Kodály Seminar will take place in Kecskemét from July 18th till July 29th this summer.


Congratulations to our colleague, Máté Balogh!

15 March 2022

Several professors of the Liszt Ferenc University of Music received prestigious state awards on the occasion of the national holiday on March 15. Composer Máté Balogh, an assistant professor at the University and a lecturer at our Institute, received the Ferenc Erkel Award for his outstanding work as a composer and music director.


Children, music, arts: Hungary and Japan - extract of a series of lectures

11 March 2022

In 2021, Anita Nagy, Director of the Liszt Institute, Hungarian Cultural Centre in Tokyo organised series of online lectures in Hungarian around the introduction of early childhood art education in Hungary and Japan by prominent educators Katalin Forrai, Mária Vida Székácsné and Hani Kyōko. 



New functions released on the Kodály HUB

16 December 2021

The Kodály HUB extended its features within the MUSICBOOK (previously known as Songbook). To celebrate these functions, we have a nice offer for KodályHUB users.


Erzsébet Szőnyi's bequest to the Institute

Erzsébet Szőnyi's bequest to the Institute

19 November 2021

Recently, with the participation of Erzsébet Szőnyi's grandchildren, Edit Alma Gémes and Ákos Tamás Gémes, and the director of the Institute, Dr. László Norbert Nemes, documents from Mrs Szőnyi’s legacy were officially handed over to the Archives of the Institute and the contract was signed.

Moments of Appreciation

Moments of Appreciation

3 November 2021

During the course of the last two years, several outstanding faculty members stepped down from their positions as professors or research scholars at the Kodály Institute. 

Start of the 2021-22 Academic Year

Start of the 2021-22 Academic Year

27 September 2021

By the beginning of September 2021, most of our students, who decided to come to Hungary despite all the challenges and difficulties posed by the pandemic, arrived in Kecskemét.
