Erzsébet Szőnyi's bequest to the Institute
Recently, with the participation of Erzsébet Szőnyi's grandchildren, Edit Alma Gémes and Ákos Tamás Gémes, and the director of the Institute, Dr. László Norbert Nemes, documents from Mrs Szőnyi’s legacy were officially handed over to the Archives of the Institute and the contract was signed.

From the documents of Erzsébet Szőnyi's oeuvre, about 1,200 music textbooks in Hungarian and foreign languages, sheet music, photos and audio materials were bequeathed to the Archives. Her manuscript collection includes her own works, as well as lectures from conferences, courses, educational materials, and excerpts from them. The “Register Books” from 1938 (!) to 2015 contain the most important documents of her life, posters of school performances, concerts, invitations, and small forms in chronological order. She corresponded extensively with foreign and Hungarian acquaintances, friends and music experts. This professional correspondence is also part of the bequest.