Kodály.hu News

Péter Erdei Received Excellent Artist Award

16 March 2020

On 15 March, Hungary's national holiday, the Hungarian Government awarded the Hungary's Excellent Artist Award to Professor Erdei, founding director of the Kodály Institute. Congratulations!


Information regarding coronavirus

13 March 2020


Musical Events in February

Musical Events in February

3 March 2020

The month of February was full of events at the Institute. Guests included a group of students and teachers from the British Kodály Academy, Fernando Malvar-Ruiz, choir conductor and artistic director of the Los Angeles Children's Chorus, and Professor Yinam Leef, president of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. 

Musical events at the Institute in December

Musical events at the Institute in December

9 January 2020

On 16 December, as part of the celebratory events to commemorate the 137th anniversary of Zoltán Kodály's birth, the students and staff of the Institute laid wreath at the Railway Station and the Psalmus Hungaricus monument in Kecskemét.


Erzsébet Szőnyi passed away

28 December 2019

Erzsébet Szőnyi, whose name in the world has over the years coincided with the name of Zoltán Kodály, passed away this morning.

Advent concert in Kisjakabfalva

Advent concert in Kisjakabfalva

12 December 2019

On 7 December, it was the 6th occasion that the charity advent concert was organized in Kisjakabfalva where the Student Choir of the Kodály Institute is usually invited. 


New Non-Degree Study Programme from September 2020

15 November 2019

Effective from the 1st of September 2020, the Kodály Institute of the Liszt Academy is introducing a more diverse non-degree study programme with the aim of providing more tailor-made study options and increasing the homogeneity of the study groups. 


EU awards excellent qualification to the Kodály HUB Project led by the Liszt Academy

14 November 2019

Kodály HUB, established to develop innovative methods in music education, became the first Hungarian-led higher education Erasmus project to be awarded “Good Practice” and “Success Story” qualifications. The initiative, led by the Liszt Academy of Music in collaboration with prestigious Scottish and Dutch partner institutions, is gaining recognition in more and more countries.


Miklós Kocsár passed away

2 September 2019

Miklós Kocsár - Composer, Holder of the Kossuth Prize, Artist of the Nation, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts - passed away in his 86th year, on 29 August, 2019.


Our Teachers' Kodály Seminars Around the World - Part Two

17 July 2019

As a continuation of last year's successful programme, teachers of the Kodály Institute, with the support from the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the assistance of local embassies and cultural institutions, repeatedly held workshops and concerts in the past few months from New-Zealand to Chile, from Norway to the USA, from Japan to Portugal.

Our two-part report summarises the experiences.


Our Teachers’ Kodály Seminars Around the World - Part One

16 July 2019

As a continuation of last year's successful programme, teachers of the Kodály Institute, with the support from the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the assistance of local embassies and cultural institutions, repeatedly held workshops and concerts in the past few months from New-Zealand to Chile, from Norway to the USA, from Japan to Portugal.

Our two-part report summarises the experiences.


African guests at the Institute

7 June 2019

Organised by the Committee for the Intangible Cultural Heritage, representatives of musical and cultural institutions from Africa (e.g. Botswana, Kenya) visited the Institute on 5 June.
