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He passed away 5 years ago

He passed away 5 years ago

12 June 2023

Dr. Mihály Ittzés, regular member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts, former deputy director of the Kodály Institute

Mihály Ittzés' rich oeuvre still stands as an example to all of us who worked with him at the Kodály Institute.

A new textbook is launched

A new textbook is launched

3 February 2023

The aim of Katalin Kiss' book is to support conservatory students (aged 14-22) and their teachers with a collection of carefully selected materials from which to learn the necessary musical concepts and practical knowledge of music theory, form, and harmony.

Start of the 2022-23 Academic Year

Start of the 2022-23 Academic Year

15 September 2022

We were happy to see more and more of our students coming back to Kecskemét and excited to meet new students who made their big decisions of moving to Hungary to study at the Institute in the 2022-23 academic year. 
