We are delighted to announce that the Evaluation Report of our Erasmus+ project PRESTO has awarded a world-class score of 96/100 to the project!
The project reached the maximum or almost-maximum scores in all four areas of the evaluation. Thanks to the outstanding score, the project immediately received the Good Practice label.

This incredibly high score reflects the outstanding quality of the project outputs that target music teachers all over the world. The acronym PRESTO stands for 'Practices and Resources for Equipping Schools to Teach Music Online’. The project offers a great deal of curated and peer-reviewed resources to equip teachers with ideas, tips, examples for remote teaching. Thanks to the diversity of the project consortium, where HEIs, NGOs and an SME represent four European countries, all fields of music teaching i.e. classroom, choral and instrumental are covered. The diverse and rich resources are freely accessible and exhibited on an easy-to-navigate website, where teachers can find videos, lesson recordings, animated teaching aids, methodology notes, sound files and scores in a total number of >750. The assessment highlighted how the project represented the EU values, in terms of inclusivity (materials produced for hearing impaired people in British Sign Language, the manual for parents, the diverse languages of the songs exhibited, etc.), and highly praised the cultural values of Zoltán Kodály’s music education principles.
Basic project data
Full project title: PRESTO: 'Practices and Resources for Equipping Schools to Teach Music Online’
Consortium leader: The Kodály Institute of The Liszt Academy of Music, Kecskemét, Hungary
Consortium members:
Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
National Youth Choir of Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Sing Ireland, Limerick, Ireland
Artistic Director: Dr László Norbert Nemes, The Kodály Institute of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
Total funding: 262.409€