The Institute's Researcher Was Elected Vice President of the International Kodály Society
Dr. Zsuzsanna Polyák received the honorable invitation in a unanimous vote at the Society's extraordinary general meeting.

Zsuzsanna, who was appointed as researcher at the Institute this fall, has been working and teaching at the Institute since 2004, as well as at the Department of Teacher Education of the Liszt Academy. In addition to her teaching work, she is currently processing the legacy of Dr. Mihály Ittzés, as well as participating in the preparations for the International Kodály Symposium to be held in Kecskemét next summer, which will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Academy of Music and the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Kodály Institute.
Zsuzsanna Polyák graduated from the ELTE Faculty of Arts with a degree in Hungarian language and literature, as well as computer science and librarianship, and also studied Japanese language and culture. In 2023, she defended her PhD thesis with a Summa cum Laude qualification in the Theoretical-Historical Pedagogy Program of the ELTE Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology Doctoral School of Education, where her research topic was the history of the International Kodály Society from 1975 to the present.