Online application is now open for our study programmes for the 2025-2026 academic year. Online preparatory courses also available.

Online application is now open for our study programmes for the 2025-2026 academic year. Online preparatory courses also available.


Musical events at the Institute in December

Musical events at the Institute in December

9 January 2020

On 16 December, as part of the celebratory events to commemorate the 137th anniversary of Zoltán Kodály's birth, the students and staff of the Institute laid wreath at the Railway Station and the Psalmus Hungaricus monument in Kecskemét.


Erzsébet Szőnyi passed away

28 December 2019

Erzsébet Szőnyi, whose name in the world has over the years coincided with the name of Zoltán Kodály, passed away this morning.

Advent concert in Kisjakabfalva

Advent concert in Kisjakabfalva

12 December 2019

On 7 December, it was the 6th occasion that the charity advent concert was organized in Kisjakabfalva where the Student Choir of the Kodály Institute is usually invited. 
