Director's Letter to the Students of the Upcoming Academic Year

Dear Students,
Dear Applicants,
As we are fast approaching the end of the academic year I feel that we can no longer put off announcements concerning the next academic year.
Let me start with some current information concerning the pandemic situation in Hungary. According to current official statements the epidemic curve in Hungary continues pointing downwards. The development of a national vaccine factory is currently underway as well as the development of a vaccine against the coronavirus. It is clear that the measures taken to fight the coronavirus have been successful in Hungary, but the situation is still fragile, so it is important to follow the rules. The Hungarian government has begun the process of abolishing the special legal order previously introduced for the state of emergency, but the necessary measures for safety will stay in force.
Given that a certain degree of uncertainty is still with us we are not yet entirely sure when we can open the Kodály Institute again to normal operation or to what extent teaching as usual will resume in September. Nevertheless we expect that during the upcoming months rules on travel, on events, public gatherings as well as social distancing measures will loosen but strict health safeguards and hygiene measures will remain in effect. Depending on the actual scenario we are preparing for the following format of operation for the first term of the 2020-2021 academic year (14 September - 18 December):
• In case of a continued effective control of the coronavirus situation students will be able return to the Institute and face-to-face instruction resumes on the 14th of September.
• All students must arrive to Kecskemét no later than the 31st of August and stay in quarantine for two weeks.
• According to the most current governmental information every foreign student entering Hungary in the beginning of the next academic year will be required to take a coronavirus test here in Hungary after their arrival. All occurring costs will be covered by the Ministry of Human Resources. We shall give you all assistance in this regard.
• We shall also continue giving careful consideration to issues such as class sizes, special events and cleaning protocol.
• Depending on the situation, larger-size classes such as Kodály’s Philosophy, Kodály’s Lifework, Music History, Hungarian Music History and Folk Music will be available online only.
• Depending on the situation Choir and Choir Lab may be replaced by other subjects such as History of European Choral Literature and Choral Music Education.
• Optional classes such as the Advanced Choral Conducting Practicum (Choir Lab), Creative Piano Pedagogy (ZeneZen) and Kokas Pedagogy may be cancelled.
• In case our partner schools will not be able to receive visitors during the autumn months the subject “School Observation” will be offered with modified content.
• Score reading will be available as a seminar in a group of 4-5 students.
• We expect that restrictions regarding travel back to Hungary will remain for some students, and some students may decide to delay returning to Kecskemét until life gets back to relatively normal. We have therefore made the decision that during the first term all courses will be available online as well with the exception of the following subjects: Choir, Choir Lab, School Observation, Chamber Music, Choral Conducting.
• Choir will be replaced by a subject called History of European Choral Literature.
• Choir Lab will be replaced by a subject called Choral Music Education.
• Optional classes will not be available to students studying online.
• Score reading will be available as a seminar in a group of 4-5 students.
• Courses not mentioned in this list will all be available online.
• During the first term students will have the possibility to switch between face-to-face learning and online learning at any time.
Dear Students,
We shall continue reviewing the plans described above on a regular basis. Should there be any significant changes to official advice on coronavirus we shall send out an update of our plans to you immediately.
Kind regards,
Dr László Norbert Nemes
Kodály Institute
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music