Dr. habil. Nóra Keresztes DLA
Position at the Institute: Associate Professor
Subjects taught: Solfége, Music Theory, Choral Conducting

1996 – Graduated from the Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest as a Secondary School Music Teacher and Choir Conductor (as a student of professor Valér Jobbágy) and Music Theory Teacher (as a student of Erzsébet Legányné Hegyi and Katalin Komlós).
2008 – She received her DLA degree, with her doctoral thesis: The Dissolution in Functional Tonality (Summary in English from page 174)
Teaching experience:
2018 – present: the Kodály Institute of the Liszt Academy of Music, Kecskemét
2016 – present: the Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest – Music Theory Department, teaching Solfége and Music Theory
2002 – 2018: Faculty of Music and Visual Arts, University of Pécs where she taught Solfége, Music Theory, Choir conducting, Transposition and Score Reading, Continuo, Vocal Ensemble, Solfége Methodology for Grammar School Teachers, Music Theory Methodology, Analysis
2010 - 2018: Faculty of Teachers’ Training in Szekszárd, University of Pécs – responsible for the music education related subjects in the training of pre-school and lower primary school teacher students and created a special workshop „The Basics of Music” for Continuous Professional Training courses
1996 – 2002: Music Grammar School of Pécs where she taught Solfége, Music Theory, Choir Conducting, Folk Music, Score Reading, Vocal Coaching, Music Literature/History
As a music pedagogue and conductor, she has worked extensively on the international scene, including workshops, master classes and seminars in Azerbaijan, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Lithuania and Vietnam.
Artistic activities:
Following decades of singing in numerous choirs (The Madrigal Choir of Szekszárd, „Puellae” Female Chamber Choir of the University of Pécs, Palestrina Choir of the Pécs Cathedral), she is currently the artistic director and conductor of the chamber choir Cappella Quinqueecclesiensis in Pécs, a choir member of Schola Cantorum Sopianensis (conductor: Valér Jobbágy DLA) and the Pannon Philharmonic Festival Choir, Pécs (conductor: András Vass and László Dobos).
She is a music advisor to the „Tanac” Folk Ensemble and Cultural Association for nurturing and maintaining the heritage of the Croatian minority of the Pécs region.
Competition results
as a choir conductor with the Cappella Quinqueecclesiensis:
- a special Conductor Award and 2nd prize on the 3rd International Vándor – Révész Choir Competition in 2018
- a Golden Diploma on the 7th Zoltán Kodály Choir Competition in 2015
as a choir member with various choirs:
- prizes from international choral competitions, such as Arezzo (2014), Gorizia (2005, 2013), Neuchâtel (2001, 2006, 2012), Pécs (2009), Varna (2005), Cork (2005), Camerino (2002, 2003), Spittal (2003) Tolosa (2002), Arnhem (2001), Llangollen (2000), Takarazuka/Osaka (1999) Maasmechelen (1996)
Hungarian Kodály Society
Association of Choirs and Orchestras (KÓTA)
Major printed publications
in Hungarian:
- 2009: Győrffy István – Beischer-Matyó Tamás – Keresztes Nóra: Klasszikus összhangzattan (Viennese Classical Harmony) – textbook (co-author), Rózsavölgyi és társa Budapest
- 2010: ’Chopin kevéssé ismert oldala: a dalok’ (Chopin’s lesser known activity: the songs) – Agócsy Szimpózium 2010 conference publication, ed.: Keresztes Nóra, PTE Művészeti Kar, Pécs, 51—81.
- 2011: ’Süketnéma zenészek-zenetanárok képzése, vagy a kodályi koncepció rehabilitálása?’ (Educating Deaf and Dumb Musicians or the Rehabilitation of the Kodályian Conception) – Parlando 2011/3, 1—8.
In English:
- 2013: ‘New Types of Chord and Key Relations in the 19th Century – extract of 5th chapter of doctoral dissertation titled The Process of the Dissolution in Functional Tonality’ (2008) in Space, Time, Tradition. Extracts of Theses Defended at the Doctoral School of the Budapest Liszt Academy of Music, ed.: Péter Bozó, Rózsavölgyi és társa Budapest, 237—264.
Other essays (online publications)
in Hungarian:
- 2010: ’A Haydn: Mehrstimmige Gesänge formai vonatkozásai (A szonátaforma megjelenése Haydn többszólamú énekeiben)’ [Morphological Aspects of Haydn’s Mehrstimmige Gesänge (The Appearance of Sonata Form in Haydn’s Polyphonic Songs)] – Parlando 2010/6 Online publication
- 2012: A funkciós tonalitás felbomlásának folyamata (The Dissolution in Functional Tonality) – DLA-dissertation, Parlando 2012/5
- 2013: ’Hans Leo Haßler canzonettáinak felhasználási lehetőségei az oktatásban’ (Possibilities of Utilization of Hans Leo Haßler’s canzonettas in Music Education) – Parlando 2013/5 Online publication
- 2013: ’Dunstable és az izoritmikus motetta’ (Dunstable and the Isorhythmic Motet). Final Essay of Postdoctoral Scholarship of the Doctoral School of Budapest Liszt Academy of Music. Online publication
- 2015: ’Schubert harmóniai eszközei és a Sanctus misztériuma késői miséiben.’ (Schubert’s harmonic devices and the mystery of the Sanctus in his late Masses – Parlando 2015/6 Online publication
as a conductor:
- Live Records of Schola Cantorum Sopianensis, cond.: Valér Jobbágy, Nóra Keresztes, publ.: Schola Cantorum Sopianensis Egyesület, Pécs 2010
- The First Four Years. Sacred and secular music from the Renaissance to Nowadays Cappella Quinqueecclesiensis, cond.: Nóra Keresztes, publ.: Cappella Quinqueecclesiensis Egyesület, Pécs 2019
as a choir member:
- Musica Sacra Hungarica. Válogatás kortárs magyar motettákból Schola Cantorum Sopianensis, cond.: Jobbágy Valér, publ.: Schola Cantorum Sopianensis Egyesület, Pécs 2012
- Puellae (The Female Chamber Choir of University of Pécs), cond.: Valér Jobbágy, publ.: BLZ Records Pécs 2000
- „In memoriam…” series (4 CDs) of selected choir pieces from the repertoires of the Pécs Cathedral Choir’s principal conductors, performed by the Palestrina Choir of the Pécs Cathedral cond.: Valér Jobbágy. Published by Glatt Ignác Hagyományőrző Közhasznú Egyesület, Pécs in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016