Dr. habil. Miklós Dolinszky

Research interests:
Connection between musical tradition and notation; theory and history of improvisation; the genesis of the concept of the musical work; theory, practice and history of musical edition; questions of musical education
Work experience:
Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Institute for Musicology, researcher - 1999-2010
Hungarian State Opera House, dramaturgist - 1990-1996
Teaching experience:
Liszt Ferenc Music Academy Kodály Institute - 2022 –
ELTE (Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences), Budapest Institute for Art Mediation and Music, lecturer - 2010-2021
Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim, guest lecturer - 2011
Liszt Ferenc Music Academy, Doctor School, lecturer - 2009/2010
University of Sciences, Pécs (Hungary), Faculty of Arts, lecturer - 2002-2007
Liszt Ferenc Music Academy, Faculty of Musicology, lecturer - 1998-2003
Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Department of Aesthetics, lecturer - 1995-1996
ELTE, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Aesthetics, guest lecturer - 1993-1999
Habilitation in Philosophy - Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences ELTE), Budapest - 2021
PhD (summa cum laude) in Musicology - Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest - 2008
Doctor of University in Musicology - Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest - 1993
MA in Musicology - Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest - 1982-1987
Award and Social Function:
„Pro Renovanda Cultura Hungariae”, Essay Award, 2004
Organizing the Conference „Improvisation in Music Pedagogy”, ELTE Faculty of Humanities, 2015
Public Body Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2019 – present
A Mozart-űrhajó. Válogatott esszék. Jelenkor, 1999.
Szó szerint. A Karinthy-passió. Magvető, 2001.
Időrengés. Kilenc muzsikus, tíz vallomás. Osiris, 2004.
(Szacsvay-Kim Katalinnal és Tallián Tiborral közösen): „Szikrát dobott a nemzet szívébe”. Erkel Ferenc három operája. Balassi, 2011.
Jelképtől jelig. A kreativitás elveszítése a modern Nyugat zenei gyakorlatában. Typotex, 2019.
J. Haydn: Sonaten für Klavier Vol- 1-3. Könemann Music, 1995
J. Haydn: Klavierstücke Vol. 1-2. Könemann Music, 1996.
Schubert: Klavierstücke Vol. 1-2. Könemann Music, 1996.
Schubert: Die schöne Mülerin. Könemann Music, 1997.
Schubert: Winterreise. Könemann Music, 1999.
Schubert: Tänze Vol. 1-2. Könemann Music, 2000.
Dvořák: Klavierstücke Vol. 1-2. Könemann Music, 2000-2001
F. Erkel: Bátori Mária. (with K. Szacsvay-Kim). Erkel Ferenc Operas 1. Rózsavölgyi – ZTI, 2002. Vol 1-2. (First edition)
F. Erkel: Bánk bán. Erkel Ferenc Operas 3. Rózsavölgyi – ZTI, 2009. Vol. 1-3. (First edition)
For about 140 articles and essays on Hungarian, German, English and French see MTMT above (work, book and concert criticisms and reviews not included): https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication?formathtml&labelLang=eng&sort=publishedYear,desc&cond=authors;eq;10017465&page=10
About 70 lectures on Hungarian and German (Hungarian Broadcast; Musicological Institute Budapest; Hochschule für Musik Freiburg; Doctor Schools of MOME University of Arts and University of Science, Pécs; ELTE Faculty of Humanities; BMC etc.)
Improvisation courses:
Liszt Ferenc Music Academy, Doctor School, 2009-2010
Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Mannheim 2011
Marie Ward Catholic Middle School and Conservatory, 2018
Liszt Ferenc Music Academy, Kodály Institute (Vocal), 2023
University of Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Pécs (Vocal), 2023
Budapest Music Center (BMC) (Vocal), 2023-2024